Pediatric Partial Dentures


At ABC Kids Dental Group, we make sure to offer our patients the option of having pediatric partial dentures. Even at a young age, children are still prone to tooth loss. Whether it’s because of dental disease, tooth decay, or a playground accident, missing teeth are an inevitable part of childhood and some parents may be uncertain as to how to approach the subject of replacing missing teeth at this stage.

Permanent front teeth usually come out around the age of seven, and if a child loses their teeth prematurely, they may have to spend years with an empty space where that tooth was lost. This could affect the child’s smile and self-confidence. Such children could benefit from the use of pediatric partials to replace teeth that have been lost prematurely.

What Are the Benefits Of Pediatric Partial Dentures?

Pediatric partial dentures, or Pedi-partials, take the place of missing baby teeth to restore an aesthetic appearance, prevent adjacent teeth from drifting out of place, facilitate speech, and maintain normal oral structures in children. Pedi-partials are made up of prosthetic teeth that will be firmly secured onto the child’s existing teeth so that it does not become loose or fall off. They are intended to restore a child’s smile, as well as to retain the functionality and anatomy of his teeth. Perhaps one of the most important benefits from the use of pediatric partial dentures is that it boosts a child’s self-esteem, especially in cases when missing teeth make them feel self-conscious about smiling, laughing, or talking to other children.

How Are Pediatric Partial Dentures Made?

After the baby teeth are removed, a special mold of the child’s teeth is taken in the office and sent to a laboratory. The laboratory can then custom tailor the pediatric partial denture, making it look natural and beautiful. The child is then brought back into the office to try it on and make any necessary adjustments. Once the fit is perfect, the pediatric partial denture is secured to the child’s permanent teeth. It remains there until the permanent teeth begin to erupt, at which point the dentist can remove the partial.

Are There Any Special Requirements Associated with Taking Care Of Pediatric Partial Dentures?

Like every orthodontic appliance, pediatric partial dentures can serve as a plaque trap, with food and bacteria building up around it. Thus, it is especially important that all surfaces of the pediatric partial be cleaned daily with a toothbrush. Often, children need the help of their parents to adequately brush around the appliance.

Will There Be Discomfort Associated with Having Pediatric Partial Dentures?

Once the pediatric partial is cemented on, the child may feel some pressure. Over time, children tend to adapt to the pressure and get used to it to the extent that they no longer feel that there is anything in their mouth. Sometimes brushing around the edges of the pediatric partial dentures may cause some discomfort or bleeding. Be that as it may, it is important to continue brushing these areas so that the inflammation around the gums goes down.

Eventually, the slight bleeding on brushing will stop as the tissues become more accustomed to the partial. If the bleeding and discomfort continues however, our dentists at ABC Kids Dental Group can make the necessary adjustments to make the pediatric partial dentures more comfortable.

For more information on pediatric partial dentures, visit one of our locations or call today at 833-i-ABC-Kid (833-522-2543). We currently have office locations in Pacoima, Sun Valley and Granada Hills.