Child’s First Dental Visit

When Should I Bring My Child In for His or Her First Dental Visit?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry along with all the dentists at ABC Kids Dental Group in all of our three offices recommend making your child’s first dental visit before their first birthday. This is because healthy dental habits, from the start, will have a lasting impact on your child’s smile and overall health.

The Importance of Child Dental Care

Healthy baby teeth will result in healthy permanent teeth and a lasting, beautiful smile. Baby teeth influence the way your child speaks and eats. By bringing your child to the dentist at an early age they can build a trusting, friendly relationship with the dentist that can last a lifetime. Also, if your child is missing any baby teeth, this initial dental visit can identify the need for orthodontics. As a parent, you can come and learn the importance of oral hygiene, the relationship of nutrition to dental health, cavity prevention, the importance of fluoride, and all the other components to keeping your child’s teeth healthy and strong.

What Will Happen at The First Visit?

Our dentists at ABC Kids Dental Group are prepared to make your child’s first visit an enjoyable experience. An initial visit will sometimes include digital x-rays, a review of the child’s health history, a full mouth exam, and an assessment of the child’s dental needs. The dentist may also check the gums and surrounding tissues to identify any potential problems. The child will then have a cleaning and fluoride treatment. He or she will also be taught how to properly brush and floss. For younger children, parents will be taught how to care for their child’s teeth.

If our dentists do identify any areas of concern, where there may be a cavity or an over-retained loose tooth, they will explain these concerns and ensure that your child gets the care they need and deserve. This is also a great opportunity to have all your questions answered regarding your child’s dental needs.

Why Choose ABC Kids Dental Group?

ABC Kids Dental Group has three locations in Los Angeles, where you can see a pediatric dentist and have all of the orthodontic needs of your child met. We also provide pediatric IV Sedation. This way your child can be placed in the most relaxed state when getting his or her treatment completed. So, make your child’s first visit a memorable one by coming to visit us.

Getting Ready for Your Appointment

A little preparation goes a long way towards making your visit smooth and productive. Here are a few suggestions to make the most of your child's first checkup:

  • Put your child to bed early the night before to ensure he or she is well-rested
  • Write down questions and observations to discuss with the dentist
  • Pack toys that can occupy and/or soothe your child
  • Bring your child's dental care products in case your dentist has any questions
  • Gather your insurance information beforehand to avoid a last-minute rush

Exposing your child to stories or videos that paint dentist visits in a fun, positive light can also make the experience seem less scary.

Contact us at 833-i-ABC-Kid (833-522-2543) to schedule your child’s first dental exam! We currently have office locations in Pacoima, Sun Valley and Granada Hills.